최대 동시접속자 수 테스트용 프로그램입니다.
컴파일 방법:
g++ -o mysql-con-stress -I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql/ -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql/ -lmysqlclient mysql-con-stress.cc
./mysql-con-stress host user pass max_tries
host : 예를 들면 localhost
user : root
pass : 암호
max_tries : 최대동시접속자 수
Successefully established 1500 connections
Never failed
Cleaning up 1500 connections ...
Clean up complete
Successefully established 1501 connections
Failed because Too many connections
Cleaning up 1501 connections ...
Clean up complete
MySQL Client 상에서 최대 동시접속 확인법:
show status like max_used_connections;
이 결과값이 max_tries와 일치하여야 함.
주의사항: mysql_connect 함수가 deprecate 되었으므로 mysql_real_connect 함수로 수정하였습니다. 자신의 MySQL버젼에서 오류가 발상할 경우 mysql_init() 부분을 삭제하고 mysql_real_connect 함수를 mysql_connect()함수로 수정바랍니다.
* mysql-con-stress.cc by Sasha Pachev
* Stresses a running mysqld to see the maximum number of additional concurrent
* connections it can handle
* to compile: g++ -o mysql-con-stress -I<where_mysql.h_is_found> r
-L<where-libmysqlclient-is-found> mysql-con-stress.cc -lmysqlclient
* to use: mysql-con-stress host user pass max_tries
* If the first three parameters are not obvious, you should not be using this program
* max_tries is the maximum number of concurrent connection mysql-con-stress will try to
* estabilsh
#include <mysql.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
int num_cons = 0;
MYSQL* glob_cons = NULL;
void clean_up(int )
int i;
cerr << Cleaning up << num_cons << connections ... << endl;
for(i = 0; i < num_cons; i++)
mysql_close(glob_cons + i);
cerr << Clean up complete << endl;
void usage()
cerr << Usage: mysql-con-stress host user pass max_tries << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc != 5) usage();
char* user, *host, *pass;
int max_tries;
user = argv[2];
host = argv[1];
pass = argv[3];
max_tries = atoi(argv[4]);
MYSQL cons[max_tries];
glob_cons = cons;
int i;
int never_failed = 1;
int port = 0;
// if we get a signal, clean up first
signal(SIGTERM, clean_up);
signal(SIGINT, clean_up);
// establish as many connections as we can
for(i = 0; i < max_tries; i++)
mysql_real_connect(cons + i, host, user, pass, test, 0, NULL, 0);
num_cons = i ;
if((mysql_error(cons + i))[0])
never_failed = 0;
cout << Successefully established << num_cons << connections << r
endl; cout << Failed because << mysql_error(cons + i) << endl;
num_cons = i ;
cout << Successefully established << num_cons << connections << endl;
cout << Never failed << endl;
// this is really not necessary, because exiting will close all the connection,
// but it is good practice to clean up
return 0;
[출처] rootman | rootman (http://www.rootman.co.kr/bbs/zboard.php?id=linux&no=1900)